Fildena CT 50

Buy Fildena CT 50 Online in US


  • Brand name: Fildena CT 50 Sildenafil Citrate Chewable tablets 50mg
  • Generic name: Viagra Soft
  • Uses of Fildena CT 50: chewable tablets are consumed to treat Erectile Dysfunction in men

Product Description

Fildena CT 50 Review

Composition: Sildenafil Citrate
Power: 50mg
Form: Chewable tablets
Treatment: Erectile Dysfunction (ED) / Impotence
Daily dosage: no more than 1 Chewable tablets per day
Take: 15-20 minutes before sexual intercourse
Effect of the drug: up to 4-6 hours
Packing: 10 Chewable tablets in 1 strip
Manufactured by: Fortune HealthCare Pvt. Ltd.
Country of Origin: India

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What is Fildena CT 50 Tablets?

Fildena CT 50 is a drug designed to treat the problem of reduced potency and erectile dysfunction in men. It is a high–quality generic Viagra – a complete analogue of the original remedy at a lower cost. The Fildena CT 50 tablet shows its rapid effect from the first dose.

What is the composition of Fildena CT 50 tablets?

The basis of Fildena CT 50 is sildenafil citrate in the form of a chewable tablet. It is produced on a blister of 10 pieces at a dose of 50 mg. It is a diamond-shaped tablets with rounded corners of white color with a mouth-soluble shell.

What is Fildena CT 50 used for?

The drug Fildena CT 50 is used to treat erectile dysfunction in men caused by various reasons:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • taking certain medications;
  • stress;
  • unbalanced nutrition.

Improves the quality of sex, makes it longer. Due to the improved filling of the penis with blood, its sensitivity to stimulation increases, orgasm is much easier to achieve.

How do Fildena CT 50 tablets work?

According to the mechanism of action, Fildena CT 50 chewable tablet belongs to the inhibitors of the enzyme PDE-5. Under its influence, nitric oxide is released – a natural relaxant of the smooth muscles of the cavernous body of the penis. As a result, the vessels expand, the penis fills with blood, hardens, increases in size, that is, a natural erection occurs.

The effect of taking the drug Fildena CT 50 passes on its own without unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. It does not cause addiction, so it can be used as an emergency aid for a decrease in potency.

What is the dosage of Fildena CT 50?

To get a stable erection during sex, it is necessary to take the drug Fildena CT 50 correctly. Its effect begins 10-15 minutes after consumption, so it is important to take into account this period of time.

The recommended dose is 50-100 mg. It is allowed to take Fildena CT 50 only once a day, exceeding the daily dosage and frequency of use will lead to an overdose and an increase in the number of side effects

How to use Fildena CT 50 tablets?

You need to take the medicine by putting a Fildena CT 50 chewable tablet under the tongue until it completely dissolves. This method gives the fastest possible effect due to the large number of blood vessels in the sublanguage zone. The active substance – sildenafil promptly enters the bloodstream and begins to act.

How long do Fildena CT 50 tablets last?

The pill begins to act after 10-15 minutes after its complete dissolution in the mouth and continues its effect for 4 hours, which is quite enough for repeated high-quality sex, pleasure for both a man and his partner.

Is Fildena CT 50 compatible with alcohol?

Drinking alcohol at the same time with Fildena CT 50 chewable tablets reduces their effectiveness, so for this period it is worth giving up any alcoholic beverages.

What are the side effects of Fildena CT 50?

Fildena CT 50 is a fairly safe drug, so side effects are very rare. When using tablets , several unpleasant symptoms were noted:

  • headache;
  • nausea, dizziness;
  • digestive disorder;
  • decreased visual acuity, conjunctivitis, dry eye sensation;
  • nasal congestion;
  • redness of the face;
  • tinnitus;
  • back pain.

All side effects pass after the end of the drug, so they do not require specific treatment. If an increased dose was taken and an overdose occurred, symptomatic therapy and medical attention may be needed. To exclude such a situation, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the instructions for use.

What are the contraindications of Fildena CT 50?

Fildena CT 50 chewable tablet is suitable for almost all men who want to regain their potency. But it is worth refusing to accept it when:

  • individual intolerance to the components;
  • serious diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • severe hepatic and renal insufficiency;
  • retinitis pigmentosa;
  • simultaneous intake of nitric oxide donors;
  • deformities of the penis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • anemia, leukemia.

Fildena Tablets from Fortune HealthCare: